Foreclosure Videos

How to Buy Foreclosure Homes: Beginners Guide
Along with giving you tips on how to buy foreclosure homes, this video explains the foreclosure process, the foreclosure laws and the benefits of buying a foreclosure to first-time homebuyers. Among these tips are pre-qualifying for a loan, hiring inspectors, running a title search and hiring a realtor.
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How does the Foreclosure Crisis can affect you?
This video takes a look at the 2007 collapse of the banking and real estate industries and the foreclosure crisis which it caused. We begin by defining what housing or real estate bubbles actually are, the factors behind their formation and what...A Brief Explanation about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
This video provides information on the history and purchasing information on both Fannie Mae foreclosures and Freddie Mac foreclosures. We provide a brief history of these property giants and how they transformed from Federal mortgage agencies to...Banks Role in the Foreclosure Process
This video explains a bank's role in the foreclosure process, how property owners arrive at the point of foreclosure and how to deal with banks when in a foreclosure situation. We also highlight the opportunities presented to investors through...
This video provides information on what a house appraisal is, how to appraise a house and why one is necessary in order to place a property on the open market. It explains why a bank requires a house appraisal and why it will not provide a loan...
This video explains what a short sale is, who qualifies and where to search for candidates. We also explain how to effectively negotiate short sales with both distressed homeowners and mortgage holders. ...
Understand the differences in foreclosure laws enforced throughout the country. Educate yourself and acknowledge where judicial foreclosures and non-judicial foreclosures are present, as well as the similarities and differences between the two....
How to buy cheap houses through foreclosures
Buying foreclosures is an excellent way to get the most out of buying cheap houses. Foreclosures allow homebuyers to save as much as 60 percent off the market value of any potential property. Homebuyers and investors alike have a lot of gain by...Foreclosure Investing: Tips For Making Money Off the Foreclosure Market
Foreclosure investing is a great way to make huge returns from real estate investing and is the best way to profit off of real estate. Foreclosures can be purchased for as much as 60 percent below market value. Because of this, it only takes some...How to Buy Foreclosure Homes: Beginners Guide
Along with giving you tips on how to buy foreclosure homes, this video explains the foreclosure process, the foreclosure laws and the benefits of buying a foreclosure to first-time homebuyers. Among these tips are pre-qualifying for a loan, hiring...