Buy foreclosed houses.We have more than 1.5 Million properties available for you!

Foreclosure Widgets

Real Estate Widgets

A great way to build a users knowledge of the material on your web site is to have widgets. Offers a list of widgets below for viewers to view and add it to their personal site or blogs.

Search Box

You can add a foreclosure for sale search box to your own site.

Slideshow Search Box Widget

You can add a foreclosure home search box that also allows you to view our listings on the displayed slideshow.

Cheapest Properties Widget

Customize this widget to allow you to view a slideshow of cheapest properties locally, slate wide, and nationally.

Recently Added Properties Widget

This widget gives you the opportunity to view the latest foreclosed properties that have just been put on the listings that are locally, slate wide, and nationally.

Mortgage Widgets

Mortgage Rates Widget

Receive a constant update on mortgage rates by adding this widget to your site.

How to Buy Foreclosures Learning Center